God Our Father
Jesus Christ our Savior
The Head of our ministry and our lives.
Ephesians 4:5: "There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all,
who is over all, in all and living through all."

Allegra Celestine
Founder and Servant Leader
Our enthusiastic founder oversees the maintenance of God's vision concerning our ministries current goals and future endeavors. She is a servant who is dedicated to doing God's will.

Executive Board of Directors
Worship Leaders
Our Board is comprised of Spirit filled leaders who have experienced God's power, protection, miracles, love, promises, joy and peace. They provide sincere prayer and guidance to our family of fellowship and executive leadership.
Johnel Barron
Ministry Consultant
Our Spirit-filled Consulting Pastor, has been in ministry and leadership for over 10 years. He brings an extensive amount of spiritual wisdom, insight and positive energy when he speaks. Pastor Barron assists with ongoing leadership counsel and male involvement to ensure our vision is in line with the Word of God .